Let’s create the future of all of us TOGETHER

Study economics and spatial development management. Learn about European policies.

Why study at FESRD?


Studying at our faculty does not only provide theoretical knowledge that cannot be applied. As a future manager in public and private institutions, you need to be equipped with a lot of practical skills. As our graduate, you will go out into the world ready to manage a business, a social enterprise, run a public or state administration body or work in an EU institution. You will acquire basic skills in finance, get to grips with SAP or GIS, write professional business plans, create socio-economic analyses, manage projects, prepare applications for non-repayable financial contributions from Eurofunds, value real estate, create strategic plans, manage public procurement, determine environmental impacts and be familiar with the necessary legislation.


manager of a public authority
project manager
manager in public administration
business manager
social entrepreneur
entrepreneur in services
tourism facilities manager
MAS manager
RRA manager
manager of advisory centres and incubators
procurement expert
strategic planner
Territorial Development Analyst
EU body manager

Do you see yourself as a state or local government employee? Are you aiming even higher and want to be a manager in selected EU institutions? Do you prefer to work in the management of a large company? Are you specifically interested in tourism business? Or do you rather see yourself as an entrepreneur who is oriented both in business management and in project management, strategic planning, investment decision-making or public procurement? If you have already found yourself in this description, come to our faculty. And if you don’t yet know where your steps will lead, studying with us will certainly not limit you in the world of management.

You won’t get lost at our faculty. We are the smallest faculty in the university and together with our students we form one family. Enjoy a young teaching team packed with experience and the relaxed atmosphere we try to create for students. Get to know the nicest study department in the world, beyond all the Fera Joke humour. Take advantage of individual study plans or part-time study, which is mostly online.

The faculty also offers studies completely in English (including lectures, seminars, thesis). Travel the world thanks to SPU FESRR. Take advantage of the ERASMUS+ programme and study in more than 50 countries or you can try CEEPUS and visit the countries of Central Europe or the Balkans. Take advantage of the ERASMUS World programme and head to the Far East. If you’re really ambitious, our IMRD International Joint Degree Programme will offer you the opportunity to study in several countries at the same time, while receiving your diploma from world-class universities. The Faculty is research strong and participates in major international projects (Horizon 2020 IN-HABIT, Invest4Excellence, etc.), which offer many opportunities for you. Will you participate in their solution together with us?

The roof of your academic life will be our university itself. SPU is a green university with lots of parks and beautiful green spaces. On our campus you will find a botanical garden, animals, a vivarium. The university has many sports facilities, including fields for team sports and a newly renovated swimming pool. You will be captivated by the beautiful spaces of our university library. The university organises cultural events, festivals in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences, fairs, movement activities and many other activities provided by the Creative Centre, the Coworking Centre and a number of other university institutions. We must not forget about a number of student or university societies (e.g. falconers), the Zobor Folklore Ensemble and other artistic and creative activities.

Nitra is a student city. You can feel it in the city centre, where great opportunities to have fun await you. But apart from the famous Mostna Street lined with discos, Nitra is a city of culture. It is home to three top theatres and the Divadelná Nitra festival. You’ll regularly experience cultural evenings on the square. You may have heard about some of Nitra’s spectacular festivals – such as the Nitra dear Nitra festival, Labyrinth fest, Rubicon fest, Sllížovica, Academic Nitra, Nitra Wine Festival, High Mountains Festival, Agrofilm, Dojinka festivities, majales, Campana Fest, Flaam festival and many others. There are also many cultural and community centres, civic organisations, and the Nitra Volunteer Centre, thanks to which you will gain a lot of experience during your studies.

Study in Economics and Management

Regional development and EU policies

This study programme will prepare you primarily to work for territorial development institutions at European, national and local level. You will become a manager in these institutions, where you can do administrative work, work with finances, manage project cycles, create analyses, policies, innovative solutions, manage intellectual property or manage public procurement. You will be fluent in at least one world language, although you will be given the opportunity to improve your fluency in up to five at the same time. You’ll gain a broad knowledge of the EU and its policies or choose to work directly for the EU. The RRP focuses on the development of a broad area in which cities play a key role. The application is very broad. To give you an example – after graduation you will decide whether you want to be a businessman and provide services to other development actors, work in a corporation, do investment consultancy or rather be a policy maker in a ministry, an expert advisor, a head of a department in a city, a staff member in a European body or open your own coworking space.

Rural development and rural tourism

The heart of this study programme is the Slovak countryside and its problems, which need you. But the study programme certainly doesn’t stop there – it provides a unique mix of skills that you can apply equally in the private and public sectors. In addition to a focus on public administration and rural business, this programme will provide you with practice-oriented knowledge of rural development policies, social development and social policy, tourism, or natural resources and environmental science. An important part of the study programme is the link between the study of rural development, EU cohesion policy in the context of practice-oriented subjects – strategic planning and the design and management of EU Structural Funds projects. As a graduate, you can be employed as a manager in the public administration in rural areas, a rural entrepreneur, a director or other manager of a tourism enterprise, an employee in the environmental impact department, you can start in dependent work or as an entrepreneur to develop strategic plans or applications for non-refundable financial contributions from EU Structural Funds.

Who will teach you?

Jana Jarábková

Institute of Sustainable Regional and Local Development
Rural Tourism

Marián Kováčik

Institute of European Policies and Public Administration
Theory of Economic Policy

Marcela Chreneková

Institute of Sustainable Regional and Local Development
Social Development of Rural Areas and Social Policy

Katarína Melichová

Institute of Sustainable Regional and Local Development
Územný rozvoj a strategické plánovanie

Maroš Valach

Institute of European Policies and Public Administration
Self Government Economics and Finance

Ľubica Rumanovská

Institute of European Policies and Public Administration
European Union

Pavol Schwarcz

Institute of European Policies and Public Administration
Agricultural Policy EU

Loreta Schwarczová

Institute of European Policies and Public Administration
Public Administration Management

Monika Bumbalová

Institute of European Policies and Public Administration
Economics of the Public Sector

Michal Cifranič

Institute of European Policies and Public Administration
Crisis management of public administration


Denisa Hanáčková

Institute of European Policies and Public Administration
Economics and Management of Public Services

Eva Žuffová

Institute of European Policies and Public Administration

Martin Hauptvogl

Institute of Sustainable Regional and Local Development
Basics of Spatial Information Technologies

Eleonóra Marišová

Kristián Čechmánek

Institute of Law
International Law

Monika Gubáňová

Institute of European Policies and Public Administration
Basics of SAP

Ivan Takáč

Institute of European Policies and Public Administration
Project Management

Ondrej Beňuš

Institute of Law
Public Procurement

The life of our students

Study Department

Ing. Veronika Dalkovičová
Tel.: 037/641 5757

Monika Gajdošová
Tel.: 037/641 5757